Today is my birthday a.d what better way to start than a Mcdonalds breakfast and a 10 mile ascent over the very STEEP Teton Pass, on a bike decorated with blue birthday ribbon. We are going this way because cycling groups are not allowed to enter Yellowstone Park by the South entrance so we have to take a 140 mile detour to get in by the west entrance. Cars rule over here!
The day was not without incident. Hubert had a puncture at the start of the climb. Always diffiicult to repair with his Rohloff hub. The coupling on Dolores' Bike Friday trailer broke AGAIN halfway up the hill. Between us Greg and I managed to make a temporary repair. At the top of the hill Greg announced that for personal reasons he was quitti.g the tour. Sad to see you go mate, have really enjoyed your company and if I dont see you in San Francisco at the end of the tour then somewhere on the slopes next season.
Ten miles from the end our Q sheets diverted us onto 5 miles of gravel track that was supposed to be a shortcut. Unfortunately we got totally lost due to errors in the instructions and ended up in camp very late at 8PM. No showers also meant that I finished the day bathing in the very COLD inappropriately named 'Warm River'
I alzo got some birthday presents. All in all a good day with some great riding.
Miles Today 75