Monday, 8 August 2011

Day 95 Redwoods State Park to Eureka

After 2 days in Caifornia I have still not had the opportunity to wear my super cool new shades replacing my third lost pair. It is quite cold, damp and misty at tbis end of California.

Following the magnificent Redwoods the ride this morning was pretty dull with nothing of any  consequence to photograph. Things can only get better.

And they did. After a nice lunch at the trendy Beachcomber cafe in Trinidad  ( also appeared to be a meeting place for Mums and toddlers) we picked up a cycle path that took us closer to the sea and the 'not quite as good as Oregon' coastal scenery.

The final 5 miles of the day were on the very busy US101 to Eureka only to find that the Eureka KOA campsite was actually 3 miles behind us in Arcata. That will teach me to read the guide book properly. Still it gave us the opportunity to feast at Mcdonalds and get the blog done. But still no sunshine!

Miles Today   48
Total           4969

Day 94 Harris View State Park to Redwoods State Park

Today we entered the sunshine state of California but with one essential ingredient missing - the sunshine. This is not the image of California that I had in my head from the music of the Beach Boys, the Grateful Dead, the Eagles and all the other west coast icons of the sixties and seventies. And of course Pamela Andetson. 

Quite a long hard today as we needed to get to the Redwoods to keep on schedule. I think Dolores feels that she is in Rob's boot camp now after I hassle her to get up at 6AM.

The redwoods were awesome of course but we had the bonus of seeing a 40' gtey whale that had found it's way into the estuary of the Klamath river in the Hoopa Valley Indian Resetvation.

Hopefully it will find it's way back out to sea and hopefully the sun will shine tomorrow. It is quite cold and damp on the campsite tonight.

Miles Today 67
Total         4912