Saturday, 16 July 2011

Day 72 Jackson to Darby . . . A day of mourning

Today July 16th 2011 is a black day in the history of the Trans America cycle ride.

Ellen 'Iron Woman' Hadley, Queen of the Appalacians, First lady of the Ozarks, Conqueror of the Rockies, Eater of peach rings and Friend of the turtle has sadly lost her way.

She has now become Ellen ' I prefer to ride up hills in a nice car'  Hadley.

As a mark of respect to her former glory no pictures of today's ride will be published other than the most recent picture of the Ellen that we know and love, may she come back to us soon.

Ellen 'the unstoppable hill climbing machine' Hadley

1979 - 2011 Lest we forget.

Friends have rrquested that flowers should not be sent but donations can be made to Shelterbox, the Disaster Relief charity through this blog.

Miles Today 75
Total         3680