Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Day 96 Eureka to Burlington State Park - Mission Accomplished

Today at 12 20 PM United States Pacific time just north of the Victorian town  of Ferndale my cyclometet showed 5000 miles precisely. I know that the photo in the blog looks very suspiciously as though it could be anywhere near Harrogate but I can assure you that this whole thing has been for real. I really have grafted my way for 5000 miles across this very big, hilly and windy country ( including writing this blog every day) It is very tempting to just chuck my bike into the Pacific Ocean now but I guess I had better do the whole thing  keep blogging and cycle the few hundred miles more to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

So far I have raised £4600 plus Gift Aid so I would like to offer  a big thank you to all of you that have sponsored me including those that intend to but have not quite got round to it yet :)

My blog has attracted nearly 15000 hits so I hope you have all found it entertaining and another big thank you for all your comments  ( despite Google's attempts to make it as difficult as possible)

I shudder to think how much Mcdonalds junk food I have consumed in order to use their free wi fi.

And this afternoon as I was cycling through the Avenue of the Giants in the Redwoods National Park the Californian Sun finally came out.

p.s  Would anybody like to pick me up at Manchester Airport. I fly in at 10 00 AM on 26th August.

Miles Today 63
Total         5032