Thursday, 24 March 2011

Despite my recent celebrity status

. . . I have still managed to continue the training schedule but obviously I am now having to choose my route very carefully to avoid bringing Harrogate and surrounding area to a standstill.

Nevertheless 62 miles clocked up on Sunday through "Wonderful Wharfedale" including 3000' of ascent and 63 miles yesterday with the EG's to Thirsk and beyond and back. As you can see the numbers are getting bigger.

And by popular demand from my 'more cynical' friends' I have now included a tea stop count.

Training Log

Rides                   19
Miles                   875
Average               46
Tea Stops             42

1 comment:

  1. Now your famous.... It's your turn to cook Sunday dinner lol great blog I'm so close to hitting the Virgingiving site honest :-) flatroofkev xx
