Two days into Kentucky and its not quite doing it for me yet. Virginia was wonderful but here its not quite as friendly and a bit intimidating. I dont feel quite as comfortable randomly chatting to people. Already we've been bawled out by a mountain woman claiming that we were parking our bikes on a patch of grass and weeds that she reckoned was her flowerbed. Also had a strange conversation with a woman in a cafe about the local mining industry and she quite naturally interspersed quotes from the bible into the conversation. Very strange. Dog chases are a nuisance although only 2 og any consequence today. Today was the toughesr cycling day I can recall with temperatures in the nineties and hill after hill after hill. And also my first puncture so not impressed with the marathon xr's. Poor Kelly was suffering from mild food poisoning so it was not an easy day for her but Ellen kindly looked after her at the back. We are all looking forward to the return of Greg who had to leave the tour for a short while but is rumoured to be returning in the next few days.
Miles today 64
Total 789
Deliverance ...... keep your Pig Stick handy.