Monday, 23 May 2011

Smellen Badley

Brushing her hair for the first time since Yorktown ( a slight exaggeration)


  1. Nigel and Chris23 May 2011 at 10:00

    Check out your camera - photos all look out of focus / smudged. Hope you all well away from all the tornados that are causing havoc and destruction. Chris and I can not understand this chasdhing dog thing - are you saying this part of the US trains its' dogs to chase back packing cyclists (seems a good idea on reflection).
    this is my 3rd attmept to comment - technology threw me out twice - so fingers crossed this time.

  2. Robert I am sooo jealous! Not that I would be able to cycle 5 miles a day never mind 50 but just having that experience and seeing such beautiful scenery and interesting places. I hope you're keeping ok and having a great time and when you're back you can come over and tell me all about it. And Steve as well of course but you know he'll lose interest before I will! Enjoy and look after yurself. Love Sal xx

  3. Hi Rob, glad to see your still alive and pedalling. Watch those twisters in Missouri, it,s looking bad through there. Only two dog chases!! You need to try harder :-). Take it steady and have fun. Stuart
