Monday, 6 June 2011

Day 32 Rest day in Eminence

Tbis little town is serious riding country anx a big watersports centre. Most of thr group have gone tubing for the  day (floating down river in an inflated tyre tube) but I decided to give it a miss and indulge in some retail therapy, once the usual chores of long diztance cycle touring were out of the way. After a leisurely stroll into town up a steep gravely path, down a steep gravely path, up an even steeper gravely path all under the blistering heat of the sun  I found myself enjoying a Reuben sandwich  at Margies place in the company of Marlane, Vivian and Emily, three lovely ladies who are all members of Eastern Star, a Christian fellowship group with some connection to the Freemasons. Once we'd established that I didn't know our Royal Family in person (much to their disappointment)  they illuminated my day telling me all about their life stories, current boyfriends and how much they all loved our Royal family apart from the White Witch Camilla ( their words not mine . . . I did try and explain that she had been harshly treated by the media and that she was quite a nice person really but they were having none of it )
After a  brief circumnavigation of Eminence it was apparent tbat retail opportunities were limited and on my way back to the campsite (well about 5 yards dlown the road ) I bumped into Dolo who persuaded me to join her for an ice cream where we also found my three new lady friends. Marlane insizted that we should come back to ber house for tea and that we did. Unfortunately she had lost her key so it ended up that I had to squeeze my newly slimmed down torso into a small rear window to reach the latch which to relief all round I managed to accomplsh with some style. Despite her huge collection of teapots from around the world we didn't actually get any tea but nevertheless were treated to a tour of her house which was like a museum of her life.
After giving us a much appreciated lift to the campsite the day was rounded off by a bbq with the group followed by a stroll down the Ozak river with Greg Ellen and Kelly. I also manaved to swap the spices for 2 fuel bottles with Jack and althoigh it's  more weight I  AM NOW RELIEVED OF THE BURDON OF HAVING TO RIDE LIKE A LUNATIC TO GET INTO CAMP FOR 4 30PM.


1 comment:

  1. Are you sure it was her house that you broke into? And how come we haven't seen the silver tank top again? Bill x
