Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Day 102 Samuel Taylor State Park to San Francisco THE END

What can I say. San Francisco Bay WOW! Cycling across the Golden Gate Bridge WOW! Does anybody remember Lets Go to San Francisco by the Flowetpot men. I cant seem to get this song out of my head. I am on a total high today. Glad to finish cycling but sad that this amazing adventure has finally come to an end.

After getting Dolo to her hostel I cycled atound the bay to the Embarcadero and caught the BART ( Bay Area Rapid Transport ) to Berkeley and met up with Greg to find that he actually does own a Ski shop. And a little red Mazda MX5 that I can have the use of over the next few days.

So I plan to enjoy San Fransisco and surrounding area for the next few days before I take the Amtrak to Vancouver and finally fly home on the 26th.

Miles Today  30
Total          5340


  1. Rob, really well done mate ..... I'm envious of your achievement. And also pass on a big congratulations from me to Dolores ...... she's a gutsy NY lady !

    August weather here continues to be awful ..... not only rain but it's also not really very warm. I just can't find time and/or the right day to get out on my bike. Hopefully the weather will pick up in September ..... but I'm guessing that you might just about have had enough cycling for this summer !

    Let me have your flight details sometime and I'll see you on the 26th.

    Cheers Ken

  2. YAY, Rob!!! Good for you - that is one ENORMOUS bike ride you just finished. I hope you feel a giant amount of pride & satisfaction!


  3. Robert - incredible. We have just finished our 60th day of caravan touring and were feeling pretty pleased with ourselves but now feel very humble when comparing to what you've done. Enjoy the well deserved rest period before returning to a much more sedate pace of life back home. nb think I visited Greg's ski shop (or one that looked very similar) - about 18 years ago?
